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Letters to Santa

Published: December 16, 2022

Creeks of Legacy North Pole special delivery Mailbox has been delivered!! Kiddos wanting to write a letter to Santa? Instructions below! **Just three more days left until the elves pick up the postbox this Sunday December 18th!**

1. Introduce yourself. Let Santa know who’s writing the letter. He gets a lot of letters every year, so it’s important you remind him who you are.

2. Fill in the blank after “I’m writing to you because…” Do you want to let him know what’s on your wishlist this year? Or do you want to wish him a very Happy Holidays? This is your chance to explain the reason for your letter.

3. Tell Santa all the reasons you’ve been good this year. We’re sure there’s been plenty, so take your time to write them down. And if you have something you’re going to try and be better about, let him know that, too. Here are some other ideas you can tell Santa about:

    • How was your year?
    • Do you have some favorite things to do or play with?
    • Do you have wishes for family or friends
    • Are you wondering how things are going at the North Pole

4. Thank Santa for reading your letter and make sure to write your name so Santa knows it’s from you.

5. Be sure to put your return Creeks of Legacy Home Address on your envelope

6. Drop your letter in the Creeks of Legacy North Pole Express Mailbox at the Amenity Center.

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