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AT&T Gigapower Is Coming to your Neighborhood

Published: March 09, 2022

Dear HOA members,

This email is to inform you and your residents that ATT gigapower is coming to your neighborhood very soon. Silas White Construction has been contracted by ATT to start placing the new fiber. Your residents will see signs at the neighborhood entrance, as well as receiving door hangers on individual residences. We will be meeting onsite with the ATT & the city regularly to discuss the project also.

Attached is a picture of the signs that will be placed at the community entrances. We will also be placing door hangers (also pictured) on every home in the work area. The door hanger looks similar to an advertisement, but it is not. These door hangers are a notification with our contact information. After the work is complete and final restoration is complete, each home will receive another handout explaining the lawn maintenance of new sod and how to water the new sod. I believe that watering by hand is acceptable in your area, but the residents will need to verify that with the city. The lawn flyer is attached as well. If anyone is interested in upgrading their service, they can contact us. They will be added to a contact list for service as soon as it is available (approx. 2 months after our install is complete, possibly sooner).

Your residents will see locate flags in the front of their yards or in alleys to identify existing utilities. These flags will be in the right-of-way and should NOT be removed. We will be digging small holes to locate these utilities. All of these holes will be fenced with orange fencing at the end of each day as we are working in the area.

Our goal is to place this fiber with a little disturbance as possible. However, please know there will be a necessary amount of digging to accomplish this project. If there are any issues, they will be corrected as soon as possible.

Information on gigapower can be found on the following website:

Robin Gregory will be your contact throughout the project for questions or concerns. Email address is:

Mike Kemp will be onsite to assist with issues. All residents may contact Robin Gregory at this time.

Click here to download and read the Lightgig HOA letter

Click here to download and read the Lawn Restoration Generic

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